Ayatul kursi/Ayat al Kursi Transliteration
Ayatul Kursi means “Throne of Allah.” It is also called “Throne Verse.” It is the 255th verse of Surah Al-Baqara(2nd chapter of the Qur’an) and is found in the third para(تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ). It is known as the greatest verse of the Holy Quran and is narrated daily by every Muslim as a means of protection and for different purposes. This verse consists of several sentences that clear the dominant power of Allah Almighty and clear the Muslims’ concept of Monotheism.
Ayatul Kursi Audio/MP3 – Al Kursi Audio
Ayatul kursi Full In Arabic Text

Ayatul Kursi Transliteration
Ayatul kursi In Roman English

Ayatul Kursi In Urdu
Ayat ul Kursi meaning in Urdu is ‘اللہ کی عظیم بادشاہت اور قدرت’

Ayatul Kursi In English

Ayatul Kursi In Hindi

Ayatul Kursi In Bangla

Importance of Ayatul Kursi
Quran consists of full of beautiful and powerful verses and Ayatul Kursi is one of them. This ayah is highly respectable in Islam due to its profound meaning and significance. The importance of Ayatul Kursi can be figured out by narrating the following phrase:
‘If one recites it after every prayer, the Almighty Allah make his heart a grateful one(Shakireen), will be given the reward of prophets, and his actions will be like those who are truthful(Siddiqen).‘
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said
”If anyone narrates verse of throne(Ayatul Kursi) after each & every prescribed salah, then there is no barrier between Him to enter in Paradise except Death.” (al-mu jam al Kabir)
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood said that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said, Allah, the magnificent did not create anything in the sky or earth, Jannat or Jahanma, magnificent than Ayatul Kursi.
Benefits of Ayatul Kursi
There are multiple benefits of reciting Ayatul Kursi.
- One who reads it in the Morning will be protected by Allah until night.
- The person who recites it one time will be protected by one angle, who recites it 2 times will be protected by two angles and who recites it 3 times will not be protected by angles because Allah Almighty himself protects him.
- Hazrat Abu Qatada(RA) said that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said that whoever read Ayatul Kursi and the last two ayahs of Surah Baqara in difficulty, then Allah Taala listens to that appeal.
- Hazrat Haasan bin Ali(RA) said that a person asked Nabi, O Rasulullah, what does a person receive when he recites Ayatul Kursi after every Farz salah, then Nabi said that the person will be protected by Allah until the next Salah.

Primary Theme of Ayatul Kursi
Ayatul kursi describes some of the core beliefs of all Muslims that there is only one God who is worthy to be worshiped and that is Almighty Allah. He only has the power and control of Heaven and Earth. This verse describes the greatest qualities of Allah. He does not sleep, nor does he get tired. He is complete and perfect in His name and attributes. He controls everything, without his will a single leaf cannot move in this world. All things wait for His ‘Kun’.
On one side this verse is a reminder of Allah’s attributes and on the other side this protects us from evil so it is recommended to recite it before sleeping at night, Allah hires angels to protect us from the harms of evil.
Tips For Memorization
It is obvious that there is no substitute for hard work and doing work again and again. If you want to memorize this greatest verse, then you should listen to it carefully at first. You can download it from YouTube, and by repetitive listening with full focus and concentration, you will be able to learn it. After that, recite it in every prayer and after every prayer so that repetitive recitation helps you in memorization.
Broke the ayah in different parts, try to memorize the first part, then the second, and then the full ayah, this method makes it easy for you to memorize it in an easy way.